Even in the earliest cultures, dance was an important part of rituals, ceremonies, festivals and entertainment. It may also have played a central role in the transmission of stories before they were recorded in writing.

Dancing is an essential part of our existence.

The exhibition presents dance as a global form of representation and expression. It does not tell the history of dance, but shows multi-perspective interweaving stories. It does not follow a chronological line, but highlights dance as an essential part of our existence under thematic aspects. This means a concept that transcends time and space and the inclusion of many dance forms.

Since dance rarely stands alone, the exhibition also looks at its many connections to other art forms. The exhibits range from dance representations in early cultures to modern visual arts and examples of contemporary dance.


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📧 Katharina Chrubasik
Daniela Ebert
Claudia Jeschke

Press Officer

📧 Sven Bergmann

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