Video Library
Welcome to the video library of the Bundeskunsthalle! Here you will find all videos on exhibitions, artists or the Bundeskunsthalle itself.
Our videos are summarised in playlists. If you are looking for more videos on a specific topic, you can use the list icon in the video window (top right) to call up the list of videos and select a specific video. As soon as a video ends, the next video in the list starts automatically. Have fun browsing and discovering!
Behind the Art
Find out more about our current and past exhibitions. The topics of the videos range from background information and interviews with artists or curators to digital tours through various exhibitions. Take a first look at our exhibitions - to prepare or follow up your visit to the Bundeskunsthalle.
Studio Bonn
Studio Bonn is the discourse format of the Bundeskunsthalle. Together with experts from various work areas and knowledge practices, we discuss the central social challenges of our present and encouraging perspectives for possible futures.
The focus is on the desire to think together, the appreciative exchange of conflicting positions and perspectives, and the work on a shared understanding across conceptual differences, disciplinary boundaries and ideological horizons. In this sense, Studio Bonn sees itself as a public contribution to democratic self-understanding about how to deal together with crises and conflicts, about social change processes and cultural design potential.
With the news format magazin. (formerly GOLD) we inform you briefly and concisely about future exhibitions, events and general news about the Bundeskunsthalle. Presenter Nora Abu-Oun regularly guides you through the upcoming programme.
Symposium & Congress
Postmodernism is back. Three generations of artists and thinkers rally around its legacy. Why is war on postmodernism being declared from the right? Why is it being blamed for Trump from the left? Why are its forms, its styles, its thinking topical again?
With: Cem A. aka freeze_magazine, Neville Brody, Nigel Coates, Simon Denny, Nikita Dhawan, Diedrich Diederichsen, Oliver Elser, Gertrud Koch, Eva Kraus, Sylvia Lavin, Reinhold Martin, John Maybury, Henrike Naumann, Sophie Parkin, Markus Peichl, Peter Pomerantsev, Kolja Reichert, Derek Ridgers, Martin Saar, Léa-Catherine Szacka, James Wines and many more.
Today, everyone is a critic. But where is the criticism? We are all experts who judge each other. But where do we get the criteria from? Today, every theatre, every museum, every scientific institute is expected to explain and promote its work itself - while independent mediation, classification and evaluation are disappearing with the general media. But without criticism, there is no publicity. Without publicity, no arts. Without the arts, no democracy. The congress "The future of critique" looks at fundamental changes in the public sphere, institutions and society. 90 international guests from theatre, music, literature, film, architecture, the visual arts and the media will speak at the Akademie der Künste in Berlin and the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn about the future of the public sphere.
Missed the livestream? No problem. After a livestream has been broadcast, it will end up here in the media centre and will be permanently available to you. Enjoy musical performances or follow exciting discussions about society, culture and art. We wish you good entertainment!
Are you interested in current issues affecting science and the public? Then we cordially invite you to the Enter Science talk series. In cooperation with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), we are broadcasting this entertaining multimedia talk series as an interactive live stream before the recording is made permanently available to you here in the media centre.
Masterworks focuses on individual works of art from our exhibitions. Immerse yourself in the stories behind the creation and historical background of the works and learn more about the respective artists.
Host Max Moor (ttt - titel thesen temperamente) invites you to talk about art, culture and society. The talk series was produced together with the Bonn Theatre. The recordings are available in this playlist.
What would be the title of the exhibition for which you are exhibited behind glass? And what information would be on the information cards? We ask these and similar questions to different guests at irregular intervals. The answers are always spontaneous.
In the Talking Heads interview series, we focus on the people behind our exhibitions. Artists and curators in particular have their say.
Our digital family tutorials offer helpful tips & tricks for young and old. For example, learn how to make small sculptures or draw a graphic novel. When will you start your next hands-on tutorial with the family?
The Jerusalem Talks discussion series is dedicated to exchanging views on current socio-political and cultural issues worldwide. The series has its counterpart in the Jerusalem Talks, which have been taking place at the Cinemateque in Jerusalem since 2014. The Jerusalem Talks are broadcast live and are then permanently available for you to watch here.
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